Category Archives: National Features

The Doc is In by Stanton MD

The Doc Is In – "COVID-19 Vaccine" There has been much talk recently about the chances of having a vaccine for COVID-19 in the near future. In this "The Doc Is In" segment, Emergency Physician, Dr. Ryan Stanton, looks at the likelyhood of having that vaccine soon and the impact it could have on those…MORE

Use of Tech Up Significantly During Pandemic

(SWNS)–Three-quarters of Americans have experienced a tech wake-up call due to COVID-19, according to new research. The survey of 2,000 Americans revealed just how reliant they are on digital services as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Respondents were asked to reflect on the digital services they’ve used during self-isolation and how their lives have…MORE

Video: The Doc Is In by Stanton-MD

The Doc Is In – "COVID-19 Air Travel" Is it safe to fly commercially with COVID-19 numbers spiking? In this "The Doc Is In" segment, Emergency Physician, Dr. Ryan Stanton looks at the safety of air travel during the pandemic and makes some suggestions on how you can stay safe when traveling the friendly skies.…MORE

Older Americans Say They Miss Hugs From Loved Ones During COVID-19 Lockdown

By Allison Sadlier /SWNS–Half of Americans 65 and over confessed to missing the physical intimacy of hugs during COVID-19, a new survey revealed. Fifty-seven percent are eagerly awaiting the chance to embrace a loved one as soon as they can. The survey also showed that this population is also craving time with family (48%), their…MORE
