Fat Guys at the Movies

    In the early 1970s, Kevin Carr crawled from the primordial ooze in time to see all the Star Wars movies in the theater and enjoy all-night movie marathons though his formative years. He grew up watching movies to the point of irritation for his friends. He was a font of useless movie knowledge until he decided to put that knowledge to good use. He is now a professional film critic read worldwide, much to the chagrin of Michael Bay.

    Kevin is the host for the Fat Guys at the Movies radio show, which is also heard on 50 stations around the country each week. Additional content from Kevin beyond the radio show comes in the form of the podcast Second Reel. Each week, Kevin also produces the Here’s the Deal weekly film reviews. In the past, Kevin also co-hosted New to Netflix, OSNAP! and The Idiot Boxers.
